Kitchen Sink

October 13, 2008  

Kitche Sink

Kitchen Sink is instrumental collaborations between Eddie P. (Karl Eifrig) and J.J. Sonick (Josh Lawrence), surveying acoustic loveliness, poignant noise, snakey ambiances, electronic tumblings, non-Euclidean landscapes and mistaken beauty.

Sample Songs

Cansada —

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Download song (right- or ctrl-click and select ‘Save as…’)

Ticket to a Quasar —

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Download song (right- or ctrl-click and select ‘Save as…’)

The mp3s above are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license. You are free to distribute and remix them (as long as you give us credit) for non-commercial purposes.

Get More Kitchen Sink Songs Online –

Preview & download more songs and the entire Kitchen Sink album:

Watch Kitchen Sink Video

Stop-motion animation by IndoCauc Productions – the team of J.J. Sonick and Tito Royale – for the Kitchen Sink song ‘Cansada‘:


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