TWO SONG SHOT – Ep 26: Deerhoof & A Fulfilled Song Request

February 1, 2011  

Hear Deerhoof’s latest, a new SuBBrilliant News report, and the custom-made song “Death to Apple ^_^”!


>> Download Episode 26 (right- or ctrl-click and select ‘Save as…’)

On this show:

‘The Merry Barracks’ by San Francisco band Deerhoof off their new album Deerhoof vs. Evil.

SuBBrilliant News from Greg Whitney, aka Tom Merritt.

– Aric Mellott, aka Phatemokid requested a song titled ‘Death to Apple ^_^’, asking that it incorporate Pop, Electronica, Acoustic, Prog, New Wave and Rockabilly. He directed “Think natural disaster meets 5 minute roller coaster that ends with a clear vision of the Pacific ocean.” Hear how The New Old Men fulfilled his request. (Note: No Macs were harmed in the making of this song – in fact, two Macs were used to create it.)

– Like Aric, you can request your own custom-made song! Listen to other custom songs we’ve made for listeners so far.

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Two Song Shot Ep 26 Deerhoof


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